Page name: Undead Zoo! 2 gen facility [Logged in view] [RSS]
2013-10-23 05:48:51
Last author: Kbird
Owner: Kbird
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Welcome to: Second Generation Facility


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2013-08-22 [Kbird]: Yuki: O.O ummm but I don't know what you where doing....

Anabell: >:P yeah...what exactly where you doing?

2013-08-22 [ancienteye]: Jace: "Absolutely nothin'. Yep. I was a vegetable the entire year. The entire five years from when I was fifteen until I was twenty I did nothin'." >.< "I did even less in the two years before I was recruited."

2013-08-22 [Kbird]: Anabell: That's a lie....your not trying to hurt my feelings are you?

Yuki: >:) yeah Father your not trying to hurt moms feelings are you?

2013-08-22 [ancienteye]: Jace: "Those seven years are of zero importance and contained nothin' of note. The years between my sibs and the military are nothin' to look back on." >///< "And I don't need /you/-" *points at Yuki* "-gettin' any ideas!"

2013-08-22 [Kbird]: Yuki: Oh I'm getting plenty, since I didn't have my Father tell me about all the things he did as a kid~.

Anabell: Yuki. Can you give your father an I a moment."

Yuki: Umm killing dad though" * head out*

2013-08-22 [ancienteye]: Jace: O.O >.< *swearwords in his head*

2013-08-22 [Kbird]: Anabell: =___= *taps foot* Well?"

2013-08-22 [ancienteye]: Jace: "...I was a bad pup." >.<

2013-08-22 [Kbird]: Anabell: *raises eyebrow* what did you do, puppy? *is skeptical*

2013-08-22 [ancienteye]: Jace: "Keep in mind, Ana, the military was my redeemin', and even then I was a work in progress up until the years I was assigned ta your facility!"

2013-08-22 [Kbird]: Anabell: *nods* I understand that I just want to know was so bad that you don't want to tell be about."

2013-08-22 [ancienteye]: Jace: "...That's kinda it, Ana. Seven years is a long time...It wasn't /one/ thing."

2013-08-22 [Kbird]: Anabell: "Give your worst stories"

2013-08-22 [ancienteye]: Jace: "...Like top three or what? Gimme a number or somethin'." >_>

2013-08-22 [Kbird]: Anabell: "top ten."

2013-08-22 [ancienteye]: Jace: "...I was never big on money, Ana. I just liked punchin' stuff and some a the perks were nice." >.< "How about the last two years?"

2013-08-22 [Kbird]: Anabell: "Nope...go through all Seven."

2013-08-22 [ancienteye]: Jace: "...I'd rather just discuss the last two. Those are the ones I don't want Yuki hearin' 'bout the most." (And the other five are the ones he doesn't want to tell Anabell about. XD)

2013-08-22 [Kbird]: Anabell: Hmmm Last four then.

(that's what we figured.)

2013-08-22 [ancienteye]: Jace: "..." *sighs* "Well, I was wanderin' a lot for those first two. Spent more time doin' things I'd rather Yuki not do than I wanna admit... Those last two, though. They were more consistent, in their own way. Ya know about that old crime ring in District 47 way back?"

2013-08-22 [Kbird]: Anabell: Yeah, I went there for trainin once."

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